TEM-Forum 2024

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Forum sold out!

The general situation is changing – the TEM has been on the rise for several years and a window of opportunity is opening. Join us when we set the compass in the TEM-city of Vienna in mid-June and hit the road! The TEM Forum offers you a varied program:

  • with inspiring presentations by experts
  • with a space to get to know each other, network and create
  • with a festive evening in the palace to celebrate life

Book your ticket for the TEM-Forum 2024 in Vienna today! (Ticket incl. get-together with tasty snacks the evening before, Saturday lunch package and festive evening in the palace – with food, wine and live music – as well as admission on Saturday afternoon)

Overnight accommodation:

Inexpensive: booking.com & airbnb.com night from 40 €

Tip: Districts 1-9 & 20 can be reached from the venue within 30 minutes by public transport; all other districts only if the accommodation is in the immediate vicinity of the subway station.

Mid-range: www.motel-one.com 4 locations, night from 91 €

Tip: Motel One Staatsoper is within walking distance of the venue (popular, book quickly); Motel One Westbahnhof and Hauptbahnhof can be reached without changing trains with a 10-minute subway ride; Motel One Prater with a short walk and subway 22 min.

Luxury: www.grandferdinand.com night from 160 €

Tip: award-winning hotel, rooftop swimming pool, terrace with city view (popular, book quickly).



  • Conference location & Get-together: Österreichische Gesellschaft vom Goldenen Kreuze, Kärnter Str. 26 / Marco-d’Aviano-Gasse 1, 1010 Wien
  • Festive Evening: Palace Coburg zu Ebenthal, 2251 Ebenthal

Friday 14.06.2024

19.30 Uhr: Get-together with tasty Viennese snacks

Saturday 15.06.2024

09.00–12.00 Uhr: TEM – What is it actually about?

Welcome Address

Five Incitements

20-minute impulses in English; handout available in other languages. Discussion Impulses will be creatively continued on Saturday afternoon and practically spelled out on Sunday.

  • 1: What is TEM? Ways out of Babylonian language confusion & disorientation
    • Karl-Heinz Steinmetz – President TEM-Forum
  • 2: Document & protect TEM as intangible cultural heritage – an incitement to action!
    • Michaela Noseck–Licul – Cultural Anthropologist
  • 3: TEM – does the effort pay off?
    • Harald Hafner – Marketing Expert
  • 4: An international future for TEM – quo vadis?
    • Nora Laubstein – Deutscher Naturheilbund DNB
  • 5: Humoral medicine evidence based – does it work?
    • Meysam Shirzad – Expert Humoral Medicine
  • Moderation: Harald R. Preyer – Host & Speaker

13.00–16.00: TEM-Treasure-Hunt

With four impulses in our backpacks, we discover TEM treasures in Vienna’s city center:

  • Kunsthistorisches Museum – Diagnoses and Therapies on Screen
  • Arkadenhof der Uni Wien – TEM as Science and Art of Healing
  • Stephansdom – Four Temperaments and Caesarean Section
  • Elisabetinenapotheke – Rediscovered Recipies of Monastic Medicine
  • Sala terrena Deutschordenshaus – Healthcare Kiosk of TEM

17.00: Friendly exchange of ideas on the bus trip to the palace

Festive evening at Palace “Coburg zu Ebenthal”

  • Reception with Amuse guele of TEM and wine
  • Presentation of the ANME Award 2024 – Laudator: Nora Laubstein
  • TEM-Buffet
  • Dinner music & dance: Das Musikquartett

22.30: Cheerful echo during the bus trip to Vienna

Sunday 16.06.2024

09.30–12.00: Move Mountains together!

Your expertise and passion are in demand: help shape the TEM creatively in one of four clusters based on the four Saturday impulses and your impressions of the treasure hunt and the festive evening:

  • 1: Make the voice of TEM heard in public
  • 2: Design a heritage-project for your region
  • 3: Turn quality into money
  • 4: Let’s go European and global
  • Moderation: Harald R. Preyer – Host & Speaker
  • Conclusion: Vienna TEM-Declaration 2024