
TEM Forum 2023 – the starting point

  • TEM-Forum is the meeting place of the TEM, where individuals, institutions, professionals and people interested in health in Europe come together, because health concerns us all.
  • The purpose of the TEM Forum is to give the TEM a voice, to bring together regional TEM players at a pan-European level and to establish itself as an umbrella organization.
  • The TEM Forum is dedicated to TEM in all its breadth – the art of healing practiced by professionals; therapies that are scientifically researched; cultural heritage of all citizens.

TEM-Forum 2043 – Vision

1. TEM as therapeutic option

  • There is a basic consensus on the foundation, the core and the diagnostic-therapeutic procedures of TEM – in short: a core TEM.
  • In as many European countries as possible, there are recognized qualifying training courses – for all healthcare professions and doctors – in accordance with clear quality standards.
  • TEM contributes to health care by providing a network of therapists, doctors, pharmacies, etc. that covers as much of the country as possible.

2. TEM as traditional medicine

  • TEM has a clear specialist vocabulary, both in English and in the European national languages.
  • TEM is researched in suitable study designs on the basis of a transparent methodology; the results are published in specialist journals.
  • The representation of the TEM is carried out by the practitioners, teachers and researchers of the TEM themselves.

3. TEM as intangible cultural heritage

  • TEM is a globally recognized “trademark” – on a par with TCM or Ayurveda.
  • The TEM is known to the population and its core content is understood.
  • The treasure trove of valid traditional medicine is accessible to all and can be called up in a TEM library – sources, documentation, publications and studies.